Tough Titties
Deal with it

Swiffer Madness

Category: By bekbek
Today, we're going to talk about Swiffing.

Swiffing is not some new teenagers-sniffing-glue fad. It is far cooler, and far more dangerous. No, Swiffing is the act of cleaning one's floors with the Swiffer.

Just how much dirt can a single Swiffer cloth pick up? Astonishingly, after sweeping and mopping, a freshly cleaned floor gives up a whole Swiffer cloth full of hair (pet and human) and dust and other bits, so much so that one still manages to see dustbunnies blow away as one moves the Swiffer around the room.

What gives? Are the cloths purposefully made to handle only a limited amount of dirt? Are there tiny Swiffer ogres laying dirt down right after the good, old-fashioned mop has gone by, just to make us beholden forevermore to the Swiffer product line?

I don't get it. And methinks the young Helen has likewise experienced something of the same.

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