Tough Titties
Deal with it

Bosom Buddies

By bekbek
Wow, like, hello? Facebook IS NOT MYSPACE. Get over it!

I was just poking around for Aaron Sorkin fan shit on Facebook, because I am indeed a fan of Aaron Sorkin, and now that the news is out about him writing a movie about Facebook (holy crap! Who's gonna play me?!), I felt prompted to "show my colors/colours" by joining a group I will never, ever look at again on Facebook.

So I went to the "Aaron Sorkin Fan Club" group (how original!), and on the group's "Wall" (for you non-Facebookers, that's just a place you can scribble notes), all the posters were saying shit like "I want to add Aaron Sorkin as a friend." One ugly-ass dude posted twice with this: "I can't access his Facebook acct."


Honest to god, are people really THAT STUPID? Facebook is not Myspace! It's not all about adding stripper-bots to your friend list so that you look like you're capable of getting lucky! It's not a stand-in for actual friendships - it's a way for you to stay in touch with ACTUAL FRIENDS (*gasp*).

You wish you could meet Aaron Sorkin, snort some coke with him, introduce him to your Mom? Sure, me too. BUT WE'RE NOT GONNA.

Otherwise, this would be the death of friendship, for sure. If some dumb ugly-ass dude that Aaron Sorkin doesn't know from a licorice milkshake were actually able to say, "Aaron Sorkin is one of my friends," the whole idea of friendship would have gone down the toilet.

But it hasn't! Not yet! Ya can't add Aaron Sorkin as a friend! And you know what I say about that?

Tough titties.

1 comment so far.

  1. Helen 7 September 2008 at 00:22
    Is now a bad time to tell you that hacking into the FB to force friendships is totally doable? Not that I'd do such a thing. I can barely handle all the people that love me of their own volition, let alone the ones I force to.

Something to say?